Topical Hydration Part 2: The Nebuliser
Yes, it does sound like some special brook stick from Harry Potter but is in fact a nifty little device originally designed for treatment of asthma and other COPDs.
How does it work?
It works by using oxygen, compressed air, or ultrasonic power to atomise solutions and suspensions into small droplets that are inhaled. The droplets are so tiny that they can easily penetrate the mucosal layer of your vocal cords (very important!)
Great, I’ll just add tap water to mine!
HOLD IT! When using a nebuliser, opt for a 0.9% saline solution to hydrate vocal folds effectively. Ensure you use only the single-dose sachets, as exposed saline loses purity when in contact with air - being clever and buying a bit bottle is therefore not advisable!
When should I use it?
Nebulising is particularly useful in dry environments like air-conditioned spaces or rehearsal studios. You can buy pocket size ones that you can take with you on the go. You also don’t need to worry about singing or speaking after using as there is no increased blood flow to the vocal cords like there is with steaming!
Where can I get one?
Amazon do some cheap ones, just make sure it has a mouth piece attachment. Below are some links to a standard nebuliser and some 0.9%m saline sachets.
Happy Nebulising!